Gambling Addiction – What Are the Signs of a Gambling Addiction?

When does a person’s gambling become an addiction? If a person only gambles for fun on occasion, it may be a sign of occasional amusement. However, if a person’s gambling habit has become a habit, it may be an indication of pathological gambling. Below are some signs to look for in a gambler. They may also be warning signs of addiction. Listed below are some signs of a gambling addiction and what you can do to stop it.

Problem gambling

Although the term “problem gambling” has been around for centuries, it was only in the 1980s that it was officially defined. Psychiatrist Emil Kraepelin defined it as “gambling mania.” The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV) was published in 1980, incorporating criteria from Dr. Custer’s work. This study involved surveying 222 compulsive gamblers and 104 substance-abusing social gamblers. The researchers used cluster analysis to identify nine symptom criteria for problem gambling.

The term “problem gambler” has different definitions in the research community. The term is commonly used to describe individuals who fall short of pathological gambling criteria but whose gambling behavior is so problematic that it interferes with their personal life, their professional lives, and even their vocational pursuits. In addition, the National Council on Problem Gambling defines problem gambling as “gambling problems.” On the spectrum, pathological gambling is the most extreme form, involving the devotement of a person’s time and resources to gambling.

Pathological gambling

Since the third edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM) of Mental Disorders in 1987, pathological gambling has gained a place among the spectrum of addictions and harmful behaviors. The terms “abuse,” “dependence,” and ‘addiction’ have all been used to refer to this disorder. The symptoms of pathological gambling can vary from person to person, but they share some characteristics with other types of addiction.

Most obvious are the financial costs of pathological gambling, particularly if a person has accumulated debt. This type of gambling can utterly demolish a financial portfolio in a few hours. Some gamblers have spent their entire life savings in a single gambling session, so these financial consequences are especially serious for senior citizens. However, younger gamblers can sometimes stabilize their debts. However, a pathological gambler can also have a negative impact on their families and relationships.

Signs of problem gambling

The gambling behavior of an individual ranges from occasional to problem-level. This addiction can lead to many problems, affecting not just the individual, but also their family and friends. While some people do not gamble often, others may simply use gambling to escape problems or get relief from anxiety. Signs of problem gambling vary widely, and most of them are hidden from view. Listed below are some of the most common symptoms that indicate that you might be dealing with a problem gambler.

Illicit activities to fulfill gambling needs: One of the most disturbing signs of problem gambling is committing crimes to satisfy an intense urge to gamble. These crimes can range from stealing to murder, or even committing robbery to obtain the funds necessary to satisfy one’s gambling habit. It’s crucial to seek professional help as soon as you notice that your gambling habit is taking over your life. Signs of problem gambling include any of the following:

Ways to stop problem gambling

While there are many ways to stop problem gambling, one of the most important is to find a support system. Problem gamblers often feel isolated and ashamed. Support groups can help these individuals find the tools they need to quit. In addition, setting boundaries can help keep the addicted individual accountable and prevent relapse. Here are some tips:

Seek help immediately. Gambling can ruin a person’s life, including their finances and relationships. Many problem gamblers also experience higher rates of suicide. Suicide attempts are even more likely if the person has a history of mental illness or uses drugs. People who have threatened suicide or tried to hurt themselves should seek help immediately. If a problem gambler has suicidal thoughts, it is vital to seek help.